IceBar Cologne

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Kindergarten party


Kindergarten party

physical state? I have no idea about physics!

To prevent this sentence, we not only offer access to the IceBar Cologne to people over the age of 18. Kindergartens and school classes have the opportunity to experience the basics of chemistry up close every day from xx:xx to xx:xx. The little ones, who get their first points of contact with the chemical reactions of water, or the older ones, who not only learn the basic knowledge theoretically, but also actually experience it. Design your lessons in an extraordinary environment. Book the IceBar Cologne exclusively for your kindergarten group or school class and offer your children a learning environment that is second to none.

Because your children's reaction to the IceBar Cologne is like that of cesium to water: simply great.


Important things

Although Icebar Events offers a unique and enchanting experience, please note that the temperature at the venue is kept cool to preserve the ice-themed atmosphere. We recommend considering the comfort and well-being of young children before planning a nursery party at our venue.

The safety of children is our top priority. We have trained staff present throughout the party to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. In addition, we have age-appropriate activities and precautions in place to minimize potential risks.

Absolutely! We offer party packages specially tailored to kindergarten events. These packages include engaging and interactive activities suitable for young children, such as interactive storytelling, ice carving demonstrations, and kid-friendly games. Our team will work with you to create a memorable and age-appropriate experience.

Yes, we understand the importance of accommodating children with allergies or dietary restrictions. Please let us know your specific requirements in advance. Our catering team will do their best to provide you with the appropriate options. We strive to ensure that all children can participate and enjoy the party in a safe and inclusive environment.

Kindergarten Party

Erleben Sie ein skurriles und frostiges Abenteuer bei Icebar Events für Ihre Kindergartenparty! Betreten Sie ein magisches Wunderland, in dem junge Köpfe bezaubernde Eisskulpturen erkunden, sich interaktivem Geschichtenerzählen widmen und an altersgerechten Aktivitäten teilnehmen können, die ihre Fantasie anregen.

Kindergarten Party

Bringen Sie einen Hauch frostiger Magie in Ihre Kindergartenveranstaltung bei Icebar Events! Wir sind darauf spezialisiert, immersive und lehrreiche Erlebnisse für junge Köpfe zu schaffen. Gönnen Sie Ihren Kleinen einen Tag voller Wunder, während sie unser gefrorenes Wunderland erkunden, mit bezaubernden Eisskulpturen interagieren und an altersgerechten Aktivitäten zum Thema Eis teilnehmen. Unser engagiertes Team sorgt für eine sichere und unterhaltsame Umgebung für die Kinder und bietet eine einzigartige Gelegenheit zum Lernen und zur Kreativität.

Auf was warten Sie - Buchen Sie jetzt!

Features of the kindergarten party

Group size

Up to 80 people at the same time in the ICEBAR Cologne, Germany


Decorate or customize according to your taste.


Enjoy our IceBar, we also have hot and soft drinks, so relax! Have fun.

Book today and enjoy your party

Freeze the ordinary, enjoy the extraordinary Icebar events


Celebrate the groom-to-be in style with a frosty extravaganza that will leave everyone speechless

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